Would you employ just anyone to fix the breaks on your car or would you employ a qualified motor mechanic?
I know what, my answer would be it would be the motor mechanic, as I value my life.
There are many types of surveyors as there are doctors, a Remedial Treatment Surveyor must have a detailed knowledge of dampness, insects, fungi that attack wood, the types of wood used in buildings, and the characteristics of building structures.

Have an up to date knowledge of wood preservatives and damp-proofing materials and equipment, so he can provide the correct specification for their safe and effective use, together with the legal obligations of the surveyor, and his company and have the safe guards in place such as Professional indemnity insurance, just to name a few of the requirements needed.
Olympic Construction, are Fully Qualified Remedial Treatment Surveyors. We are full members of the PCA who have developed the professional qualifications for surveyors who only become qualified, in these areas after rigorous training and testing of a candidate’s knowledge, skill and practical ability.
The qualifications achieved following completion of the training and passing of the examinations are (Certificated Timber Infestation Surveyor – CTIS and Certificated Remedial Damp Surveyor – CRDS) these can be amalgamated should the candidate take and pass the module covering, the health and safety and law aspects of surveying, into a single qualification – the Certificated Surveyor in Remedial Treatment – CSRT.
Member companies of PCA only employ qualified surveyors to ensure that YOU the property owners get a reliable survey which correctly identifies the problems and states whether any treatment is required.